Month: February 2024


Today we were learning about the Caritas and what they do.

I learned that the Caritas is a Latin word for love and compassion and they want to end poverty and justice in countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia and the pacific. Lorenz Werthmann was the one who created the Caritas in 1897 in Germany, Caritas  was found in 1996  in New Zealand.

My Special Place

How My Space Is Precious To Me 

My special place is not a place, it’s actually a person, I have heaps of special people but one of them is my Mum. My Mum is a special person to me because she cares for me in my hard times especially when she’s stressed and having a hard time,  we have humorous talks with each other to make each other chuckle and smile to brighten our day, even sometimes we have arguments then we make it up to each other, she tries her best to  spend time with me and my brother to make us happy.


My Mum takes us on walks to enjoy the view and the day. We have so much fun together. We always talk about the day. I sometimes ask her what she did at work or how it was at work, she says it’s  tiring or terrible.  (There’s always something bad happening at her work or good) She checks up on me when I’m sad and when I’ve had an awful day at school, and I feel very joyful when she asks me that question!  (She makes me feel very special). 


My Mum loves plants so when it’s her birthday or any occasion my family buys her plants (Well, not really. I mean sometimes we give her cards or just flowers). Every time there’s a party at our house she wakes up early in the morning to prepare and I feel like kinda sad and bad, I love the car rides when were driving me and my brothers song pop on and we start singing and our Mum always joins in, sometimes it’s funny so we have a little laugh. 


Whenever I do readings for school or any activity she always supports  me and tells me to be brave and just be confident and that helps me and makes me feel a bit better, that is my special place.  


Euphrasie Barbier

Today for RE my class was learning about the Mission Charism, we had to learn facts about Euphraise Barbier we split into three groups, the teacher told us  we could sit anywhere, so my group decided to sit outside,  we watched a video to listen about what Euphrasie Barbier did in her life we paused the video to write about the facts on our Chromebook. Here is my photo: