Month: June 2023

Future Footprint


Today Mrs Grant came to our class for cybersmart we had to imagine what we would do in ten years time and we were looking at people who also imagined what they would do in ten years and this is what I did with my certificate and I got it for flying and I feel so amazed.  What digital footprint would you be proud of in the future?

How to write a good email

Today Mrs Grant came to our class for cybersmart and we were learning how to write a good email and before you open an email you have to look at the person’s name and see if you know them. We then have to make sure to greet people and write clearly about the topic. After signing off, I need to proofread it and make sure I have stuck to the subject and said positive words.

Characters from Storm Boy

I am raw-boned and long in the tooth. I am a scrutineer of Mother Nature. I am an indigenous human with a fondness of Storm Boy, a child I love as my own offspring. I can perceive cloud cover without seeing much because I have experienced life on this beach my entire life………………………I am Fingerbone Bill.


I am a young boy who likes being in showers of rain. I am not panic-stricken and I feel grateful to live in this universe. I love all creatures great and small, and they have become my constant companions. My old man is Hideaway Tom………………………..I am Storm Boy.

What does your digital footprint say about you?

  • Today Mrs Grant came to our class for cybersmart and we learned about other peoples blogs, and the information we can get from them. We had to choose one person to do and we had to look and read their blog and write about their digital footprint. I did one from Panmure Bridge School  and I can’t wait for next week.

Ki O Rahi tournament

Yesterday after morning tea  Room six, Seven and eight went under the canopy and we lined up into our house groups and the house groups were Rimu, Kauri, Totara and Rata.  Then Mr Bell was introducing coach Trey and coach Trey said whoever won would get one hundred dollars but it was monopoly money and everyone was laughing. Then Mr Bell said the names of the people who were versing each other and  Room six went to watch and so did the other classes.  Coach Trey was counting up the points and was the referee and some people were screaming for Kauri and others were Rata and the groups were Taniwha and Kioma, Taniwha was the one who tries and hits the tupu and tries to rip the tag of Kioma and Kioma has to hit the pou and score a point, you need a two guardians to block the tupu and the ball is called ki.

While Rata and Kauri were playing Mrs Agnew was calling out the names who were going on next and I was playing in that round; Rimu and Totora were versing each other a little while later and Rata and Kauri too.  We had to put our straps on and everything then we went on the field to play. I was feeling nervous and then the game began. Rimu was Taniwha and Totora was Kioma and at first I was doing alright because I wasn’t nervous. I was having so much fun and people were diving and falling and their tags getting ripped off, then coach Trey said swapping over so then Rimu was Kioma and Totora was Taniwha. It was very fun being Taniwha. Then coach Trey said we only had thirty seconds left and after thirty seconds the game ended. We had to swap with the other people who were playing the next round.

We were watching and screaming and most people were enjoying watching the games but towards the end everyone was getting tired. Then some people were looking who was playing next and they said I was playing for Rata. Mrs Agnew said it was almost lunchtime. The game had ten seconds left and then the game ended but there was  more after lunch. We said prayers and ate lunch.

At the end of lunch we lined up under the canopy in our houses  and then Mrs Bell said who were playing the very last game. I went onto the field and played and it was so much fun. I kept ripping Jacob’s tag and it was so much fun. Then the game ended and we went back under the canopy. The house to win the one hundred dollars was Kauri.

My Digital Footprint

Today Mrs Grant came to our class for Cybersmart we were learning to create a respectful, responsible and positive digital footprint. We learned to stop and think before sharing it online and if we don’t know if it’s safe we can ask a parent or  a teacher, then we learned how to hyperlink it onto the logos.