Year: 2022

About me

Kamusta everybody. My name is Graziel and I live with my mum and dad in Manurewa which is a long way from my school in Panmure. I have one brother who is younger than me. My school is St Patrick’s and I am in Year 4 in Room 6. 

St Patrick’s School is a cool school. I love school because we learn lots of stuff and also the teachers are so kind and nice. My teacher is called Mrs Agnew and she is kind and nice. I have lots of friends at St Patrick’s and they are all so friendly. My culture is Filipino.

I’m pretty good at writing and reading but I really want to get better with maths and problem solving. My challenge is to understand the problem and work it out. I’m good at reading and writing. I enjoy going to school because I get to play with my friends. My other goal for this year is to share my ideas with others.

My teacher inspires me because we learn new stuff everyday. I really want to achieve getting better at drawing because I don’t like my drawing at the moment. One thing I’m looking forward to this year is to go to Rainbows End.

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