Month: October 2022

Preparing for Athletics Day

After morning tea my classmates and I went to sit on the concrete wall, and Mrs Agnew told us to be quiet and be good listeners during the session. After Mrs Agnew said that our coach came in and said ‘hello’, he said his name was coach Bart. Mrs Agnew said that Athletics day is on 18 November and coach Bart said that we will be preparing for Athletics day and we were all excited. First coach Bart said “come follow me to the square”, when we were going to follow him Mrs Agnew said do you think its a good idea to take off our jumpers and coach Bart said yeah I think that’s a good idea.

When we went inside the square coach told us to move around the square like a washing machine. When we were moving around the square coach Bart said “run run” and then he said to run on our toes. So we went running with our toes and we were laughing. Next he said we were now going to do it but with our heels. It was hard to run on our heels and we were laughing because we couldn’t do it and also because it was hard. Then he said “now we are going to do it by running tall.” It was fun doing it tall but it wasn’t easy doing it when he told us to try doing it low. We thought it was going to be easy but it wasn’t easy, it was hard. It hurt my back and leg. When he told us to stop we stopped and asked us questions which were easy. The first question he asked us was which was easier if toes or heels were easy and all of us said toes. Coach Bart asked us many questions and when he finished he told us we were going to play a game.

The next game we were going to play was sheepdog. Coach Bart said two people will be the sheepdogs and the rest of us will be the sheep. Coach Bart told us how they had to hit but not on the face, only on the waist or below. They used a noodle which was soft. Coach Bart said the sheep have to be running away from the dog because if they hit us we have to get out the gate and run around the square and come back inside. So the coach gave the two noodles to the people who didn’t raise their hands up. When he chose who was the dog he said spread out so we had to spread out. When we  spread out he said “go” so we all ran away from the dogs. People were running away while the other got tagged. After a while the coach said we have to swap to someone new. The people who had the noodles gave it to someone new. Again we had to spread out then the game started again, we were running fast because we didn’t want to get tagged. The coach then said to stop because we were now going to practice how to run.

Coach Bart said we are going to practice how to run. He said to all be in a straight line, when we were all in a straight line he said we are now going to practice how to run. Coach Bart said when we run we have to prepare like we are  in a race but when we run we have our hands like where our feet are, but your other hand is on the opposite side like this. The coach said you try so we tried and we did it. When we practiced it we knew how to do it, so coach said get into groups of four and when were in groups of four we  went behind the orange cones.

He said “ready, set, go” and we had to run up the hill. Coach Bart said get ready so the person in front went to the blue line and the coach said “on your marks” and coach was looking at our arms to see if our feet and arms are opposite, when coach saw we were doing it right he said “get set, go!”

The coach then told Marii to get the blue bag so Marii went to go get it and when Marii came back the coach gave all of us a foam pig and told us to lie down. The coach said “lie down on your back.” When we lay down on the ground couch put his shoe in front of our heads and he told us to put the foam big where his shoe was. Next he said stand up and try to jump over your foam pig, and when we all did it some of us jumped over our foam pigs. Then the coach said “try to swing your arms and bend your feet and jump.” So all of us tried it and it worked.

Then coach said to put the foam pigs back in the bag, and he said “thank you. I hope you enjoyed it.” I really enjoyed it and my favourite part was when we had to run on our toes and heels.